Autor Nachricht



Beiträge: 7636
Registriert seit: 26.12.05

Slimline X6

Upload an avatar

I cannot do this for you because it ist personel. Do following steps:
  • go to your profile
  • click Avatar bearbeiten
  • look for Avatar Upload
  • click on Durchsuchen
  • find the file (AVATAR.jpg) on your local pc and click open
  • click Speichern
  • ready, your ava shoud be in place

Remark: GIF files are not allowed as an ava.

Grüße aus Eching
23.02.08, 11:46:31



Beiträge: 7636
Registriert seit: 26.12.05

Slimline X6

(For our english speaking friends I did a translation of the first post in this thread)

When I did the table of contents I found a lot of death links. Examples:
  • linked pages
  • external linked Pictures

linked pages

It's not a big problem when a linked page does not work. You may be a little disappointed when instead the expected page only a 404-page (error page) appears.

example of a disappeared page

A special short live have special offer pages of (i.e.) Aldi, Lidl and expired eBay auctions.

external linked pics

When you link to an external (outside traveler-forum) picture you should assure that these pictures are still available in the future. If not you'll get instead of a picture only an empty frame.

or even this .

Not every server operator likes external linked files. Instead a picture you might get this:

Or the pictures are disappeared traceless. A post like this makes not really sense does it?

The never ending download times of ImageShack makes no real sense.

External linked disappeared picture are especially mad in a photo forum. We do have 2 good possibilities to integrate pictures in a post.

The first method is directly in the editor where you write a post:

Click on Dateianhänge verwalten brings a self describing upload mask.

The second method is our Coppermine Gallery:

Click on Galerie in forum header you'll get the gallery.

Gallery buttons in our different styles

A short description is posted here:

Special remarks:

Think about our users with no dsl and reduce to a file size of max. 200 kbytes (better smaller when possible) and a size limit of max. 800 pixels on the wide side. Coppermine is automatically limited to 640 pixels on the wide side.

Grüße aus Eching
29.02.08, 14:42:36



Beiträge: 11845
Registriert seit: 10.06.04

DC-XZ6 DC-8600/8300
Slimline X5/6/7


Grüße aus Schwarzenbach Saale in Oberfranken.
09.03.08, 11:00:09



Beiträge: 7636
Registriert seit: 26.12.05

Slimline X6

(For our english speeking friends I did a translation of this post)

In order to keep the loading time as short as possible we provide a way to create thumbnails automatically. We decided to do this with a Coppermine Gallery. Look for the galerie button on top of the forum.

We do not wat to become the gallery a rivalry to the forum. The photographs should only be uploaded there. After the upload the pictures can be linked to the forum by a bb code.

That means: the discussions should take place in the forum and not in the gallery.

Short instruction:
  • Check your language at the bottom of the side
  • At first an album has to be created. Otherwise an Upload is not possible.
  • This can be done by using the button create/order my albums.
  • After clicking on this button choose new, change the name and press Apply modifications
  • Now pictures can be uploaded
  • Look for @ in the menu line. Beyond this the menu Upload file is hidden. Max. 8 files can be uploaded at once (5 file, 3 URL).
  • Before more files can be uploaded the pictures must be assigned to an album.
  • When all files are uploaded and assigned change to Modify my albums
  • Select an album at the right side and then click on Edit files
  • Look for your uploaded pictures. Right click on the little picture an get the properties. Remember the path number and the filename (i.e. .../userpics/11579/thumb_2005-12-10_01.JPG). These information will be needed to integrate the picture into the forum.
  • Change to the forum and write your post.
  • Click on the CM button above the editor area on the right side.
  • A popup window will apear. Enter the path number (Ordner) and press OK.
  • In the 2nd popup enter the filename (Bild) and press OK.
  • After finishing the post a thumbnail of the picture will be shown.

Remark: it is not allowed to link these pictures externally.

Grüße aus Eching
23.03.08, 18:51:33
Schnelle Antwort direkt hier - sonst auf den Antwort Button rechts klicken!

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